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>> Personal projects

- IZE: Work in progress.
- OpenAVT: Open source telemetry solution for audio and video applications.
  + Documentation
  + iOS & tvOS
  + Android
  + Web & Smart TVs
- HunkInfo: Amiga OS hunk binary format info tool.
- Socarel: Generate, manipulate and traverse trees.
- tref: Plain text file format to describe trees in a human readable way.
- cond_utils: Very simple Rust crate for evaluating conditions in a more legible way.
- RunPack: Small and modular scripting language written in ~1000 lines of Rust code, and designed to be embedded.
- Unibox: Universal memory box for Rust.
- CSV-OLAP: Extremely simplistic OLAP tool for CSV files.
- NRSci: Python module to import data from New Relic and use it as Pandas data frames.
- IoT-Relic: IoT experimental pipeline developed during a 48h hackathon organized by New Relic. Including a custom protocol.
- AppOS: Unfinished and abandoned. Unikernel written in C for microcontrollers and embedded systems in IoT applications.
- kstd: Unfinished and abandoned. Unikernel written in Rust for IoT applications, aimed to offer Rust std lib on bare metal.

>> Work projects

Only open source projects.

- Video agents: Telemetry solutions to monitor video players in various environments for New Relic.
  + iOS
  + Android
  + Roku
  + Chromecast
- sink: Contribution to DataDog's `` tool. A sink component for New Relic.
- AKPickerView: Fork made for the WOO Sports iOS app.
- MARKRangeSlider: Fork made for the WOO Sports iOS app.


- How to Monitor Roku Quality of Experience with New Relic


EN: Section in Catalan (my mother tongue) with tales, stories and thoughts I use to write.
CA: Secció en català, amb contes, històries i pensaments que de tant en tant escric.

- Olor d'urbanitat
- Quina puta merda de país
- Ideologia


>> About me

I'm a Catalan software and data engineer born in the mid 80s. Read more

>> About this page

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